About Us
Our mission is to transform the end-of-life experience
through education and support

Nancy Heyerman

Brenda Kizzire
About the Authors
We, Nancy and Brenda hold over 40 years of hospice experience between us and are both certified hospice and palliative nurses. This booklet was inspired and born out of our practice at the bedside and the recognition of the growing need for end of life education and support. Our years of extensive education make us experts in our field.
We are passionate nurses who serve as mentors and educators of nurses, students, hospice volunteers, and the community at large. We have immense respect and admiration for our seasoned hospice colleagues and also those that are new to the field. It takes an interdisciplinary team to provide the best overall care.
About Odonata Care
"Odonata" is the Latin word for dragonfly, which represents transformation. We chose the dragonfly because dying is transformational. Experience has taught us that we all find our way to death and we do this in the same way we live.
We hold deep compassion and respect for the patient facing end of life and for those who provide love and care for them. We hope this booklet and videos help ease your way on this path.
Nancy and Brenda are both registered nurses with a baccalaureate in nursing science. They are each nationally accredited Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurses (CHPN).
Both have been guest speakers for the nursing school at Oregon Health Sciences University and regularly speak to and educate committee organizations, volunteers, and caregivers regarding end of life care and process. They serve as mentors and educators for nurses new to hospice care.
For years, Nancy and Brenda have been the only RNs caring for pediatric hospice patients and their families in their region. They are certified ACT (Advanced Communication Training) trainers and educate health care providers how to have end of life conversations.