Question: My dad is dying and he has lung disease so I'm always curious abouthow he is breathing and what the oxygen level is. Does it matter?
The Hospice Care Plan Response:
Our rule: Treat the patient, not the number! If a patient is comfortable, then there is no need to change the treatment. We expect the oxygen level to drop during a normal dying process and generally this doesn't cause any discomfort to the patient. Your nurse may check on the oxygen level during a visit - just to give you more information about where they are in their dying process. the buttom line - don't fix it if it ain't broken. See Brenda's discussion of this below.
CLICK HERE for your copy Brenda and I have over 50 years of actual bedside hospice care and are still working full time! We have lots of tips up our sleeves. The Hospice Care Plan: A Path to Comfort, which will review how to manage ALL of the major symptoms that may arise. Care is treatment! Thanks again, Nancy