Question: Can a patient on hospice be allowed to leave their home and drive or go to other activities?
The Hospice Care Plan Response: We love this questions and are so happy to give a responding, YES!!! Remember our saying: Hospice is not for dying but for living the best you can for as long as possible. Often there is confusion as when a patient is on home health services through medicare they are required to be home bound and receive all services such as physical therapy or nursing care for wounds or catheter. In hospice we encourage patients and families to undertake any activity that brings them joy and is safe. Ask hour hospice team how to help with arrangements you might need. Thanks for your questions and keep them coming!
Thanks for keeping us in your daily focus - Click on the shop tab, and pick up our $7 booklet. Brenda and I have over 50 years of actual bedside hospice care and are still working full time! We have lots of tips up our sleeves. The Hospice Care Plan: A Path to Comfort, which will review how to manage ALL of the major symptoms that may arise. Care is treatment! Thanks again, Nancy